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|序号| 法规名称 | 发布机关及日期 | 发文字号 | 废止理由 |
|1 |国务院关于供应出|1965年11月11日|〔1965〕国物字394|已被1979年8月21日 |
| |口商品统一作价办|发布 |号 |国发〔1979〕206号文 |
| |法的暂行规定 | | |《国务院批转国家物 |
| | | | |价总局关于出品工业 |
| | | | |品供应作价几个问题 |
| | | | |的请示报告》和经贸 |
| | | | |部、物价局〔1987〕外 |
| | | | |经贸计价字第492号 |
| | | | |文《关于加强出口商 |
| | | | |品收购价格管理的通 |
| | | | |知》所代替。 |
|2 |中华人民共和国防|1974年1月30日国|国发〔1974〕11号 |已被1982年8月23日 |
| |止沿海水域污染暂|务院发布 | |全国人大常委会公布 |
| |行规定 | | |的《中华人民共和国 |
| | | | |海洋环境保护法》 |
| | | | |所代替。 |
|3 |关于大力发展对外|1979年8月13日国|国发〔1979〕202号|已被1988年2月26日 |
| |贸易增加外汇收入|务院发布 | |国发〔1988〕12号文 |
| |若干问题的规定 | | |国务院《关于加快和 |
| | | | |深化对外贸易体制改 |
| | | | |革若干问题的规定》 |
| | | | |等文件所代替。 |
|4 |出口商品外汇留成|1979年8月13日国|国发〔1979〕202号|已被1985年3月29日 |
| |试行办法 |务院发布 | |国发〔1985〕45号文 |
| | | | |《出口商品外汇留成 |
| | | | |办法》所代替。 |

|序号| 法规名称 | 发布机关及日期 | 发文字号 | 废止理由 |
|5 |国务院批转关于使|1979年12月21日|国发〔1979〕297号|已被1984年10月4日 |
| |用国外贷款引进技| | |国发〔1984〕138号文 |
| |术和进口设备的基| | |《国务院批转国家计 |
| |本建设项目在外 | | |委关于改进计划体制 |
| |汇、财政、基建计| | |的若干暂行规定的通 |
| |划上的处理办法 | | |知》和1986年8月16日 |
| | | | |国发〔1986〕83号文 |
| | | | |《国务院批转国家计 |
| | | | |委关于利用国外贷款 |
| | | | |工作分工意见的通 |
| | | | |知》等文件所代替。 |
|6 |国务院批转全国外|1980年6月3日 |国发〔1980〕151号|已被1987年4月10日 |
| |国文教专家工作座| | |外专发〔1987〕78号文 |
| |谈会纪要 | | |《国家外国专家局关 |
| | | | |于印发<全国外国文 |
| | | | |教专家工作会议纪 |
| | | | |要>的通知》所代替。 |
|7 |国务院批转国家进|1981年6月3日 |国发〔1981〕97号 |已被1983年1月31日 |
| |出口委《关于当前| | |国发〔1983〕13号文 |
| |对外经济贸易如何| | |《国务院批转国家计 |
| |为国民经济调整服| | |委、国家经委、经贸 |
| |务的报告》的通知| | |部关于对外经济贸易 |
| | | | |工作中分工意见的通 |
| | | | |知》和1988年2月26日 |
| | | | |《国务院关于加快对 |
| | | | |外贸易体制改革若干 |
| | | | |问题的规定》等文件 |
| | | | |所代替。 |

|序号| 法规名称 | 发布机关及日期 | 发文字号 | 废止理由 |
|8 |国务院批转国家进|1982年1月3日 |国发〔1982〕1号 |已被1987年9月26日 |
| |出口委、国家经委| | |国发〔1987〕90号文 |
| |关于建立中国工艺| | |《国务院关于批转经 |
| |美术行业协会的报| | |贸部1988年外贸体制 |
| |告的通知 | | |改革方案的通知》所 |
| | | | |代替。 |
|9 |国务院批转外贸部|1982年1月7日 |国发〔1982〕5号 |与1988年2月26日《国 |
| |《关于外贸出口商| | |务院关于加快对外贸 |
| |品实行分类经营的| | |易体制改革若干问题 |
| |规定的请示》的通| | |的规定》相抵触。 |
| |知 | | | |
|10|国务院办公厅转发|1982年3月26日 |国办发〔1982〕27 |已被1986年7月19日 |
| |原国家进出口委等| | |国办发〔1986〕55号文 |
| |单位关于加强珍珠| | |《国务院办公厅转发 |
| |产销协调管理工作| | |对外经济贸易部关于 |
| |的报告的通知 | | |珍珠实行统一经营的 |
| | | | |两个文件的通知》所 |
| | | | |代替。 |
|11|国务院批转国家经|1982年5月25日 |国发〔1982〕87号 |已被1987年8月1日国 |
| |委、国家计委关于| | |家经委发布的经审 |
| |停止进口手表、加| | |〔1987〕452号文《关于|
| |强微型电子计算机| | |机电设备进口审查管 |
| |和录音录像设备进| | |理的若干规定》所代 |
| |口管理请示的通知| | |替。 |

|序号| 法规名称 | 发布机关及日期 | 发文字号 | 废止理由 |
|12|国务院办公厅关于|1984年8月30日 |国办发〔1984〕76 |已被1987年5月26日 |
| |改进外国文教专家| |号 |国家外国专家局外专 |
| |聘请工作的通知 | | |发〔1987〕87号文《关 |
| | | | |于改进外国文教专家 |
| | | | |聘请工作的意见的通 |
| | | | |知》所代替。 |
|13|国务院办公厅转发|1984年8月30日 |国办发〔1984〕77 |已被1987年9月1日国 |
| |《外国专家局、国| |号 |家外国专家局外专发 |
| |家科委、财政部关| | |〔1987〕146号文《关于|
| |于短期邀请国外专| | |短期邀请的外国专家 |
| |家生活待遇和礼遇| | |生活待遇的规定》所 |
| |接待的规定》的通| | |代替。 |
| |知 | | | |
|14|国务院批转经贸部|1984年9月15日 |国发〔1984〕122号|已被1988年2月26日 |
| |关于外贸体制改革| | |《国务院关于加快和 |
| |意见的报告的通知| | |深化对外贸易体制改 |
| | | | |革若干问题的规定》 |
| | | | |所代替。 |
|15|国务院办公厅关于|1985年9月5日发 |国办发〔1985〕62 |已被1987年12月30日 |
| |中外合资经营企业|布 |号 |国务院批准,1988年 |
| |注册资本与投资总| | |1月1日对外经济贸易 |
| |额比例问题的规定| | |部、国家工商行政管 |
| | | | |理局发布的《中外合 |
| | | | |资经营企业合营各方 |
| | | | |出资的若干规定》所 |
| | | | |代替。 |

|序号| 法规名称 | 发布机关及日期 | 发文字号 | 废止理由 |
|16|国务院办公厅转发|1985年12月31日|国办发〔1985〕92 |已被1988年2月26日 |
| |经贸部关于加强对| |号 |《国务院关于加快和 |
| |中药材出口管理报| | |深化对外贸易体制改 |
| |告的通知 | | |革若干问题的规定》 |
| | | | |所代替。 |
|17|国务院办公厅关于|1987年5月29日 |国办函字〔1987〕 |已被1988年3月18日 |
| |南京、镇江、扬州| |31号 |国发〔1988〕21号文 |
| |市享受某些对外开| | |《国务院关于扩大沿 |
| |放优惠待遇的复函| | |海经济开放区范围的 |
| | | | |通知》所代替。 |


|序号| 法规名称 | 发布机关及日期 | 发文字号 | 失效理由 |
|1 |中华人民共和国海|1954年1月21日政| |适应当时情况的法 |
| |港管理暂行条例 |务院第203次政务 | |规,自行失效。 |
| | |会议通过 | | |
|2 |国务院、中央军委|1973年12月17日|国发〔1973〕182号|适应当时情况的法 |
| |批准对外开放机场|发布 | |规,自行失效。 |
| |和国际班机安全管| | | |
| |理办法(试行草案)| | | |
|3 |国务院关于商谈对|1978年9月12日发|国发〔1978〕173号|适应当时情况的法 |
| |外加工装配业务出|布 | |规,自行失效。 |
| |国人员和来华厂商| | | |
| |审批手续的暂行规| | | |
| |定 | | | |
|4 |国务院批转国家计|1979年5月21日 |国发〔1979〕135号|适应当时情况的法 |
| |委关于对外加工装| | |规,自行失效。 |
| |配业务开展情况的| | | |
| |报告 | | | |
|5 |国务院关于引进技|1979年8月9日 |国发〔1979〕197号|适应当时情况的法 |
| |术的国内作价办法| | |规,自行失效。 |
| |的通知 | | | |
|6 |国务院批转进出口|1979年9月14日 |国发〔1979〕233号|适应当时情况的具体 |
| |委关于京、津、沪| | |规定,自行失效。 |
| |三市出口工作座谈| | | |
| |会纪要的报告 | | | |

|序号| 法规名称 | 发布机关及日期 | 发文字号 | 废止理由 |
|7 |国务院批准、公安|1980年3月20日 |〔1980〕公发(政)54|适用期已过,自行失 |
| |部发布《关于今后| |号 |效。 |
| |日侨去日问题的报| | | |
| |告》 | | | |
|8 |国务院批转国家进|1980年7月24日 |国发〔1980〕196号|适用期已过,自行失 |
| |出口委等部委关于| | |效。 |
| |贸易外汇内部结算| | | |
| |价格试行办法的报| | | |
| |告的通知 | | | |
|9 |国务院关于对各地|1982年7月30日 |国发〔1982〕104号|适应当时情况的法 |
| |和各部门在港澳地| | |规,自行失效。 |
| |区新建企业进行清| | | |
| |理整顿的通知 | | | |
|10|国务院批转经贸 |1983年1月11日 |国发〔1983〕8号 |适应当时情况的具体 |
| |部、外交部关于控| | |规定,自行失效。 |
| |制自美国进口、暂| | | |
| |停购买美国棉花、| | | |
| |化织和大豆问题的| | | |
| |请示的通知 | | | |
|11|国务院关于下达 |1985年4月23日 |国发〔1985〕61号 |适应当时情况的具体 |
| |1985年地方和部门| | |规定,自行失效。 |
| |自有外汇进口计划| | | |
| |用汇额度的通知 | | | |


Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

(June 18, 1988)
In order to speed up the implementation of the strategy for economic
development in the coastal areas, and to promote the development of
export-oriented economy in the coastal areas of our country, the
departments concerned under the State Council, in accordance with the
planning and requirements of the State Council for the sorting out of
regulations governing foreign-related matters, have undertaken the sorting
out of the existing administrative regulations as well as other regulatory
documents (hereinafter referred to as "the regulations", for short),
promulgated by the State Council or promulgated with the approval of the
State Council. At present, the first batch of seventeen regulations, which
have been sorted out and should be annulled, have been reexamined, piece
by piece, by the Leading Group under the State Council for the Sorting Out
of Regulations jointly with the Bureau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council and by the State Council; and it is decided to announce the
annulment of the aforesaid regulations (See Annex I for the titles of the
aforesaid regulations). At the same time, the first batch of eleven
regulations, which have become invalid automatically, have also been
sorted out and reexamined, piece by piece, by the Leading Group under the
State Council for the Sorting Out of Regulations jointly with the Bureau
of Legislative Affairs of the State Council; and now these eleven invalid
regulations (See Annex II for their titles) are also included here as
Annex II in order to help various regions and departments concerned obtain
an overall understanding of the condition of those invalid regulations
governing foreign-related matters, thereby facilitating their work.
Annex I: A Catalogue of the First Batch of Regulations Governing Foreign-
Related Matters Which Should Be Annulled (17 pieces)
Annex II: A Catalogue of the First Batch of Regulations Governing Foreign-
Related Matters Which Have Become Invalid Automatically (11 pieces)

Annex I

|Serial|The Title of the |Organ and |Serial |Reasons for Annulment |
|Number|Regulations |Date of Pro- |Number of | |
| | |mulgation |Outgoing | |
| | | |document | |
| 1 |Interim Provisions of |Promul- |(1965) State |Relaced by "Approval |
| |the State Council |gated on |Council, |and Transmission the |
| |Concerning the |November |No. 394 |State Council Concern- |
| |Unified Procedure for |11, 1965 | |ing a Report Submitted |
| |Export Commodities | | |by the State Administra- |
| | | | |tion for Commodity |
| | | | |Prices Requesting In- |
| | | | |structions on Several Pro- |
| | | | |blems Concerning the |
| | | | |Price-making of Export |
| | | | |Commodities" and |
| | | | |"Notice Concerning the |
| | | | |Strengthening of Control |
| | | | |of Purchasing Prices of |
| | | | |Export Commodities" |
| | | | |issued by Document |
| | | | |(1987) No. 492 of the |
| | | | |Ministry of Foreign |
| | | | |Economic relations and |
| | | | |Trade and the State Ad- |
| | | | |ministration for Com- |
| | | | |modity Prices |
| 2 |Interim Provisions of |Promul- |(1974) State |Replaced by "The Law of |
| |the People's Republic |gated by |Council, |the People's Republic of |
| |of China Concerning |the State |No. 11 |China Concerning the |
| |the Prevention of |Council on | |Protection of Marine En- |
| |Pollution in the |January 30, | |vironment", promul- |
| |Coastals Waters |1974 | |gated by the Standing |
| | | | |Committee of the Na- |
| | | | |tional people's Congress |
| | | | |on August 23, 1982 |

| 3 |Provisions on Several |Promul- |(1974) State |Replaced by "Provisions |
| |Problems Concerning |gated by |Council, |of the State Council Con- |
| |Vigorous Develop- |the State |No. 202 |cerning the Speeding up |
| |ment of Foreign Trade |Council on | |and Deepening of the |
| |and Increase in |August 13, | |Reform in the Systems of |
| |Foreign Exchange |1979 | |Foreign Trade", pro- |
| |Earnings | | |mulgated by Document |
| | | | |(1988) No. 12 of the State |
| | | | |Council on February 26, |
| | | | |1988, and by other documents|
| 4 |Trial Procedures for |Promul- |(1979) State |Replaced by "Procedures |
| |the Retention of a Por|- |Council, |for the Retention of a Por- |
| |tion of Foreign Ex- |gated by |No. 202 |tion of Foreign Exchange |
| |change from Export |the State | |from Export Com- |
| |Commodities |Council on | |modities", promulgated |
| | |August 13, | |by Document (1985) No. |
| | |1979 | |45 of the State council |
| | | | |on March 29, 1985 |
| 5 |Approval and Trans- |December |(1979) State |replaced by "Notice of |
| |mission by the State |21, 1979 |Council, |the State Council Con- |
| |Council Concerning | |No. 297 |cerning the Approval and |
| |the Procedures for the| | |Transmission of Interim |
| |Handling of Cases of | | |Provisions of the State |
| |Using Foreign Loans | | |Planning Commission |
| |in the Introduction of| | |Concerning the Improve- |
| |Technology and the | | |ment of the Planning |
| |Importation of Equip- | | |System", promulgated |
| |ment for Carrying Out | | |by Document No. 138, |
| |Capital Construction | | |(1984) of the State Coun- |
| |Projects by Such De- | | |cil on October 4, 1984, |
| |partments as Foreign | | |and also by "Approval |
| |Exchange, Finance, | | |and Transmission by the |
| |and Planning for | | |State Council Concern- |
| |Capital Construction | | |ing Suggestions Raised |
| | | | |by the State Planning |
| | | | |Comission on the Ex- |
| | | | |ploitation of Foreign |
| | | | |Loans", promulgated by |
| | | | |Document No. 83 (1986) |
| | | | |of the State Council on |
| | | | |August 16, 1986 |

| 6 |Approval and Trans- |June 30, |(1980) State |Replaced by "Notice of |
| |mission by the State |1980 |Council |the State Bureau of |
| |Council Concerning | |No. 151 |Foreign Expert Affairs |
| |the Summary of a Na- | | |Concerning the Publica- |
| |tional Forum on the | | |tion of A Summary of a |
| |Work of Foreign Ex- | | |National Conference on |
| |perts in Cultural and | | |the Work of Foreign Ex- |
| |Educational Work | | |perts in Culture and |
| | | | |Education", promul- |
| | | | |gated by Document |
| | | | |No. 78 (1987) of the State |
| | | | |Bureau of Foreign Expert |
| | | | |Affairs on April 10, 1987 |
| 7 |Notice of the State |June 3, 1981 |(1981) State |Replaced by "Notice of |
| |Council Concerning | |Council |the State Council Con- |
| |Its. Approval and | |No. 97 |cerning Its Approval and |
| |Transmission of "A | | |Transmission of the Sug- |
| |repolrt Concerning | | |gestions Raised by the |
| |How the Present | | |State Planning Commis- |
| |Foreign Economic | | |sion, the Economic Com- |
| |relations and Trade | | |mission and the Ministry |
| |Can Serve the Re- | | |of Foreign Economic |
| |adjustment of Na- | | |Relations and Trade Con- |
| |tional Economy", | | |cerning Division of |
| |Submitted by the | | |Labour in the Work of |
| |State Commission for | | |Foreign Economic Rela- |
| |Imports and Exports | | |tions and Trade", pro- |
| | | | |mulgated by Document |
| | | | |No. 13 (1983) of the State |
| | | | |Council on January 31, |
| | | | |1983, and also by "Pro- |
| | | | |visions of the State Coun- |
| | | | |cil on Several Problems |
| | | | |Concerning the Speeding |
| | | | |Up of Reform in Foreign |
| | | | |Trade Systems", pro- |
| | | | |mulgated on February |
| | | | |26, 1988 |

| 8 |Notice of the State |January 3, |(1982) State |Replaced by "Notice of |
| |Council Concerning |1982 |Council, |the State Council Con- |
| |Its Approval and | |No. 1 |cerning Its Approval and |
| |Transmission of a | | |Transmission of the 1988 |
| |Report Submitted by | | |PLan for the Reform of |
| |the State Commission | | |Foreign Trade Systems, |
| |for Imports and Ex- | | |Submitted by the Minis- |
| |ports and the State | | |try of Foreign Economic |
| |Economic Commis- | | |Relations and Trade", |
| |sion Concerning the | | |promulgated by Docu- |
| |Establishment of | | |ment No. 90 (1987) of the |
| |China Association of | | |State Council on Sep- |
| |Arts and Crafts | | |tember 26, 1987 |
| 9 |Notice of the State | January 7, |(1982) State |Because it is in conflict |
| |Council Concerning | 1982 |Council, |with "Provisions of the |
| |Its Approval and | |No. 5 |State Council Concern- |
| |Transmission of "A | | |ing the Speeding Up of |
| |Report Requesting In- | | |Reform in foreign Trade |
| |structions on the Pro-| | |Systems", Promulgated |
| |visions for the Realiz|a- | |on February 26, 1988 |
| |tion of Classified | | | |
| |Operations of Export | | | |
| |Commodities in | | | |
| |Foreign Trade", Sub- | | | |
| |mitted by the Ministry| | | |
| |of Foreign Trade | | | |
| 10 |Notice of the General |March 26, |(1982) State |Replaced by "Notice of |
| |Office of the State |1982 |Council, |the General Office of the |
| |Council Concerning | |No. 27 |State Council Concern- |
| |the Transmission of a | | |ing the Transmission of |
| |Report Submitted by | | |Two Documents Submit- |
| |the Former State | | |ted by the Ministry of |
| |Commission for Im- | | |Foreign Economic Rela- |
| |ports and Exports and | | |tions and Trade Concer- |
| |by Other Units Con- | | |ning the Implementation |
| |cerning the Streng- | | |of Unified Operations of |
| |thening of the Co- | | |Pearls", promulgated by |
| |ordination and Ad- | | |Document No. 55 (1986) |
| |ministration of the | | |of the State Council on |
| |Production and Mar- | | |July 19, 1986 |
| |keting of Pearls | | | |

| 11 |Notice of the State |May 25, |(1982) State |Replaced by "Several |
| |Council Concerning |1982 |Council, |Provisions Concerning |
| |Its Approval and | |No. 87 |the Inspection and Ad- |
| |Transmission of a | | |ministration of Importa- |
| |Report Submitted by | | |tion of Machinery and |
| |the State Economic | | |Electrical Equipment", |
| |Commission and the | | |promulgated by Docu- |
| |State Planning Com- | | |ment No. 452 (1987) on |
| |mission Requesting | | |August 1, 1987 |
| |Instructions on the | | | |
| |Suspension of the Im- | | | |
| |portation of Watches | | | |
| |and on the Streng- | | | |
| |thening of the Ad- | | | |
| |ministration of the Im|- | | |
| |portation of Micro- | | | |
| |computers, Tape- and | | | |
| |Video-Recording Eq- | | | |
| |uipment | | | |
| 12 |Notice of the General |August 30, |(1984) |Replaced by "Notice on |
| |Office of the State |1984 |General Of- |the Suggestions Concer- |
| |Council Concerning | |fice of the |ning the Improvement of |
| |the Improvement of | |State Coun- |Employing Foreign Ex- |
| |Employing Foreign | |cil, No. 76 |perts in Cultural and |
| |Experts in Cultural | | |Educational Work", pro- |
| |and Educational Work | | |mulgated by Document |
| | | | |No. 87 (1987) of the State |
| | | | |Bureau of Foreign Expert |
| | | | |Affairs on May 26, 1987 |

| 13 |Notice of the general |August 30, |(1984) |Replaced by "Provisions |
| |Office of the State |1984 |General Of- |Concerning the Daily |
| |Council Concerning | |fice of the |Life Treatment of Foreign |
| |the Transmission of | |State Coun- |Experts Engaged for a |
| |the Provisions of the | |cil, No. 77 |Short Period of Time", |
| |State Bureau of | | |promulgated by Docu- |
| |Foreign Expert Af- | | |ment No. 146 (1987) by |
| |fairs, the State Scien|ce | |the State Bureau of |
| |and Technology Com- | | |Foreign Expert Affairs, |

不分页显示   总共2页  1 [2]










第一条 为规范和加强政府投资项目的审计监督,维护经济秩序,促进廉政建设,提高投资效益,依据《中华人民共和国审计法》、审计署《政府投资项目审计管理办法》和《新疆维吾尔自治区国家建设项目审计监督条例》等法律、法规的规定以及自治区人民政府办公厅《关于进一步做好政府投资项目审计工作的通知》精神,结合喀什地区实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称政府投资项目是指以财政资金、各级政府性专项资金、政府统一借贷资金及其他财政性资金为主要资金来源的基本建设项目和财政性融资建设项目。

第三条 审计机关是政府投资项目审计监督的主管部门,地、县(市)两级审计机关依法对各自审计监督范围内的政府投资项目预算的执行情况和财务收支的真实、合法、效益情况以及决算进行审计监督。

第四条 凡本地区范围内的政府投资项目预决算,建设单位(含项目法人单位)以及勘察、设计、施工、采购、供货、监理等单位与政府投资项目相关的财务收支,应接受审计机关的审计监督。

第五条 审计机关依法独立行使政府投资项目审计监督权,不受其他行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。

第六条 审计机关对政府投资项目审计可采取以下方式:由审计机关直接进行审计(审计机关可根据工作需要聘请相关专业人员参与审计)、委托社会中介机构进行审计和授权项目主管部门委托社会中介机构进行审计。

第七条 审计机关应当会同发改委、财政、建设等有关部门根据法律、法规的规定和本级人民政府、上级审计机关的要求,确定年度审计项目计划和审计组织方式。

第八条 政府投资项目管理部门应当将年度项目计划抄送审计机关;项目主管部门和建设单位应当按季将项目实施情况抄送审计机关。发展和改革部门向政府投资项目单位下达投资计划时,应将批准文件同时抄送审计机关;建设单位在政府投资项目批准建设后,须填制《喀什地区政府投资项目登记表》报送审计机关备案。

第九条 以下政府投资项目应列入年度审计项目计划,由审计机关直接审计或由审计机关委托社会中介机构审计:
(一)投资额在500万元以上(含500 万元)的政府投资项目;

第十条 审计机关及项目主管部门经授权委托社会中介机构对政府投资项目进行审计,应当明确中介机构及有关人员的权利、义务并进行指导监督,对审计质量进行管理与控制,对审计结果的真实性、合法性负责。

第十一条 政府投资项目建设单位在签订施工合同时,必须在合同中列明:工程造价以竣工决算为准,政府投资项目建设单位须按投资额的15-20%预留竣工决算审计准备金,待竣工决算审计后支付等条款。

第十二条 政府投资项目建设单位应当在项目竣工后三个月内按有关规定编报竣工决算,并提请审计机关进行竣工决算审计。未按上述规定报请审计机关进行竣工决算审计的,追究有关人员的责任。

第十三条 对政府投资项目实施审计,主要内容包括:

第十四条 审计过程中被审计单位应当按照规定的期限和要求向审计机关或受委托的社会中介机构报送与审计项目有关的文件资料,并对其真实性、完整性负责。任何单位和个人不得拒绝、阻碍审计人员依法履行职责,否则,由审计机关依照《中华人民共和国审计法》等有关法律、法规的规定进行处理。

第十五条 审计机关依照《中华人民共和国审计法》、《中华人民共和国审计法实施条例》等相关法律、法规所规定的程序、时限进行审计,并依法出具审计报告、审计决定和审计移送处理书。

第十六条 建设单位或有关部门应当将审计报告、审计决定书或经审计机关审核后的社会中介机构的审计报告作为政府投资项目财务决算和国有资产移交的依据。

第十七条 建设、设计、施工、监理、采购以及与政府投资项目相关的被审计单位,必须认真落实并在规定的期限内执行审计机关依法出具的审计报告和审计决定;审计机关认为应当由有关主管部门处理的,应当向有关主管部门提出处理意见,有关主管部门应当及时做出决定,并将处理结果书面通知审计机关;构成犯罪的,移送司法机关追究刑事责任。

第十八条 审计机关在项目审计中发现下列情况的,应当通报有关主管部门予以调查处理:

第十九条 审计机关对政府投资项目的审计结果,应及时向本级人民政府报告,并通报有关部门。

第二十条 审计机关直接对政府投资项目审计所需经费,从本单位部门预算中列支,确有不足部分由财政给予专项补助。委托社会中介机构进行审计的项目,审计咨询费用由项目建设单位在国家规定标准范围内从项目管理费中支付。

第二十一条 审计机关应加强对审计人员的职业道德和廉政纪律教育,坚持依法审计,确保审计结果客观公正。
审计人员有下列行为之一的, 审计机关应依照有关规定给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任:

第二十二条 审计机关聘请的专业人员在从事政府投资建设项目审计工作中有违反本办法第二十一条所述行为的,审计机关应当予以解聘,并依法予以处理;构成犯罪的, 移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第二十三条 社会中介机构及其工作人员在执业期间有串通舞弊、弄虚作假、隐瞒审计中发现的重大违法违纪问题,造成审计结果失实等行为的,由审计机关停止其受委托承担的一切工作并追究违约责任;情节严重的,建议行业主管部门吊销其执业资格;构成犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第二十四条 被审计单位对审计机关作出的具体行政行为不服的,可以在法定时限内向作出行政行为审计机关所在人民政府申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。

第二十五条 审计机关对由政府部门管理的利用国外政府、社会团体、民间捐赠资金的建设项目进行审计时,可以参照本办法进行审计监督。

第二十六条 本《办法》自发布之日起施行。


建设部 对外贸易经济合作部




建设部部长 汪光焘
对外贸易经济合作部部长 石广生


第一章 总 则

第一条 为进一步扩大对外开放,规范对外商投资建筑业企业的管理,根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》、《中华人民共和国外资企业法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》等法律、行政法规,制定本规定。

第二条 在中华人民共和国境内设立外商投资建筑业企业,申请建筑业企业资质,实施对外商投资建筑业企业监督管理,适用本规定。


第三条 外国投资者在中华人民共和国境内设立外商投资建筑业企业,并从事建筑活动,应当依法取得对外贸易经济行政主管部门颁发的外商投资企业批准证书,在国家工商行政管理总局或者其授权的地方工商行政管理局注册登记,并取得建设行政主管部门颁发的建筑业企业资质证书。

第四条 外商投资建筑业企业在中华人民共和国境内从事建筑活动,应当遵守中国的法律、法规、规章。


第五条 国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门负责外商投资建筑业企业设立的管理工作;国务院建设行政主管部门负责外商投资建筑业企业资质的管理工作。


第二章 企业设立与资质的申请和审批

第六条 外商投资建筑业企业设立与资质的申请和审批,实行分级、分类管理。



第七条 设立外商投资建筑业企业,申请施工总承包序列特级和一级、专业承包序列一级资质的程序:






第八条 设立外商投资建筑业企业,申请施工总承包序列和专业承包序列二级及二级以下、劳务分包序列资质的程序,由各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建设行政主管部门和对外贸易经济行政主管部门,结合本地区实际情况,参照本规定第七条以及建筑业企业资质管理规定执行。


第九条 外商投资建筑业企业申请晋升资质等级或者增加主项以外资质的,应当依照有关规定到建设行政主管部门办理相关手续。

第十条 申请设立外商投资建筑业企业应当向对外贸易经济行政主管部门提交下列资料:








第十一条 申请外商投资建筑业企业资质应当向建设行政主管部门提交下列资料:








第十二条 中外合资经营建筑业企业、中外合作经营建筑业企业中方合营者的出资总额不得低于注册资本的25%。

第十三条 本规定实施前,已经设立的中外合资经营建筑业企业、中外合作经营建筑业企业,应当按照本规定和建筑业企业资质管理规定重新核定资质等级。

第十四条 本规定中要求申请者提交的资料应当使用中文,证明文件原件是外文的,应当提供中文译本。

第三章 工程承包范围

第十五条 外资建筑业企业只允许在其资质等级许可的范围内承包下列工程:





第十六条 中外合资经营建筑业企业、中外合作经营建筑业企业应当在其资质等级许可的范围内承包工程。

第四章 监督管理

第十七条 外商投资建筑业企业的资质等级标准执行国务院建设行政主管部门颁发的建筑业企业资质等级标准。

第十八条 承揽施工总承包工程的外商投资建筑业企业,建筑工程主体结构的施工必须由其自行完成。

第十九条 外商投资建筑业企业与其他建筑业企业联合承包,应当按照资质等级低的企业的业务许可范围承包工程。

第二十条 外资建筑业企业违反本规定第十五条,超越资质许可的业务范围承包工程的,处工程合同价款2%以上4%以下的罚款;可以责令停业整顿,降低资质等级;情节严重的,吊销资质证书;有违法所得的,予以没收。

第二十一条 外商投资建筑业企业从事建筑活动,违反《中华人民共和国建筑法》、《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、《建设工程质量管理条例》、《建筑业企业资质管理规定》等有关法律、法规、规章的,依照有关规定处罚。

第五章 附 则

第二十二条 本规定实施前已经取得《外国企业承包工程资质证》的外国企业投资设立外商投资建筑业企业,可以根据其在中华人民共和国境内承包工程业绩等申请相应等级的建筑业企业资质。


第二十三条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区投资者在其他省、自治区、直辖市投资设立建筑业企业,从事建筑活动的,参照本规定执行。法律、法规、国务院另有规定的除外。

第二十四条 本规定由国务院建设行政主管部门和国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门按照各自职责负责解释。

第二十五条 本规定自2002年12月1日起施行。

第二十六条 自2003年10月1日起,1994年3月22日建设部颁布的《在中国境内承包工程的外国企业资质管理暂行办法》(建设部令第32号)废止。

第二十七条 自2002年12月1日起,建设部和对外贸易经济合作部联合颁布的《关于设立外商投资建筑业企业的若干规定》(建建〔1995〕533号)废止。

Regulations on Administration of Foreign–Invested Construction Enterprises

The Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People’s Republic of China

 Decree No. 113

Regulations on Administration of Foreign-Invested Construction Enterprises approved respectively at the 63rd Executive Meeting of the Ministry of Construction on 9 September 2002 and at the 10th Ministerial Meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on 17 September 2002 are now issued and shall go into effect on 1 December 2002. 

Minister of the Ministry of Construction: Wang Guangtao
Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation: Shi Guangsheng 

27 September 2002

Regulations on Administration of Foreign–Invested Construction Enterprises

Chapter 1 General provisions

Article 1 These Regulations hereof are formulated to further the opening up to the outside and standardise the administration of foreign-invested construction enterprises in accordance with such laws and regulations as the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Tendering and Bidding Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Sino-Foreign Cooperative Joint Ventures, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and the Regulations on Administration of Construction and Engineering Quality.

Article 2 These regulations shall apply to the establishment of foreign–invested construction enterprises within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, the application for construction enterprise qualifications and the administration and supervision of foreign–invested construction enterprises.

The term ‘foreign-invested construction enterprise’ mentioned in these regulations refers to a wholly foreign-owned construction enterprise, or a Sino-foreign equity construction joint venture or a Sino-foreign cooperative construction enterprise established within the territory of the People’s Republic of China in accordance with Chinese laws and regulations.

Article 3 A foreign investor, which intends to establish a foreign-invested construction enterprise within the territory of the People’s Republic of China and conduct construction business, shall, in accordance with laws, obtain the approval certificate from the relevant foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department and register with the State Administration of Industry and Commerce or its authorised administration of industry and commerce at local levels, and the qualification certificate from the relevant construction administration department.

Article 4 Foreign-invested construction enterprises which engage in construction business within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall abide by the laws, regulations and rules of the People’s Republic of China.

The lawful operation of foreign-invested construction enterprises and their legal rights and interests within the territory of the People’s Republic of China shall be protected by Chinese laws, regulations and rules.

Article 5 The foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of the establishment of foreign-invested construction enterprises. The construction administration department of the State Council shall be responsible for the administration of the qualifications of foreign–invested construction enterprises.

The foreign trade and economic cooperation administration departments of the people’s government of provinces, autonomous regions or directly administered municipalities shall be responsible for the administration of the establishment of foreign-invested construction enterprises within their authorised jurisdiction; the construction administration departments of the people’s government of the provinces, or autonomous regions or directly administered municipalities shall, in accordance with these Regulations, be responsible for the administration of qualifications of foreign–invested construction enterprises within their administrative regions.

Chapter 2 Application for and Examination and Approval of Establishment of Foreign–invested Construction Enterprises and their Qualifications

Article 6 The application for and the examination and approval of the establishment of foreign-invested construction enterprises and their qualifications shall be managed by a grading and categorization system.

Where an applicant is to apply to establish a contractor with Super Grade or Grade A qualifications or to establish a specialised contractor with Grade A qualifications, the establishment of the foreign-invested construction enterprise shall be examined and approved by the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council and its qualifications shall be examined and approved by the construction administration department of the State Council; where an applicant is to apply to establish a contractor or a specialised contractor with Grade B or lower qualifications or any of the subcontractor qualifications, the establishment of the foreign–invested construction enterprise shall be examined and approved by the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality and its qualifications shall be examined and approved by the construction administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality.

Where the Chinese investor to a proposed Sino-foreign equity construction joint venture or a Sino-foreign cooperative construction enterprise is an enterprise administered by the central government, the establishment of the joint venture shall be examined and approved by the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council and its qualifications shall be examined and approved by the construction administration department of the State Council.

Article 7 The procedures for the establishment of a foreign–invested construction enterprise as a contractor with Super Grade or Grade A qualifications or a specialised contractor with Grade A qualifications are:

(1) The applicant shall submit an application to the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality where the proposed foreign-invested construction enterprise is to be established.

(2) The foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality shall complete the preliminary examination within 30 days of receiving the application, and shall, if it grants the preliminary approval, submit the application to the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council for further approval.

(3) Within 10 days of receiving the application for further approval, the foreign trade and economic administration department of the State Council shall forward the application to the construction administration department of the State Council for review and comments. The construction administration department of the State Council shall provide its opinion in writing within 30 days of receiving the request. Within 30 days of receiving the response, the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council shall decide whether or not to approve the application and express such a decision in written form. If the application is approved, a foreign-invested enterprise certificate shall be granted; if the application is not approved, reasons for the disapproval shall be given in written form.

(4) Within 30 days of receiving the approval certificate, the applicant shall register with the relevant registration department.

(5) After obtaining the business license for the legal entity, the application by the foreign-invested construction enterprise for qualification approval shall be conducted in accordance with Regulations on Administration of Construction Enterprise Qualifications.

Article 8 The procedures for the establishment of a foreign-invested construction enterprise as a contractor or a specialised contractor with Grade B or lower qualifications or any of the subcontractor qualifications shall be administered by the construction administration department and the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality based on local conditions with reference to Article 7 of these Regulations and Regulations on Administration of Construction Enterprise Qualifications.

Examination and approval of qualifications of the foreign-invested construction enterprise by the construction administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality shall be filed with the construction administration department of the State Council within 30 days after the approval is given.

Article 9 The application by a foreign-invested construction enterprise for upgrading its qualifications or adding additional qualifications in addition to major items shall be made to the relevant construction administration department in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 10 An applicant which intends to establish a foreign-invested construction enterprise shall submit the following documents to the relevant foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department:

(1) Application forms to establish a foreign-invested construction enterprise signed by the investor’s legal representative;

(2) The feasibility study report prepared or accepted by the investors;

(3) The contract for the establishment of a foreign-invested construction enterprise and the articles of association signed by the investor’s legal representative (only the articles of association is required for the establishment of a wholly foreign-owned construction enterprise);

(4) The notification on pre-verification of the name of the enterprise;

(5) Documentary evidence of legal entity registration and bank credential letter of the investor;

(6) Appointment letters and documentary evidence of the investor’s designated chairman and members of the board of directors, managers and technical managers etc.; and

(7) Balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of the investor over the past three years audited by a certified accountant or an accounting firm.

Article 11 The applicant applying for foreign-invested construction enterprise qualifications shall submit the following documents to the relevant construction administration department:

(1) Application forms for the foreign-invested construction enterprise qualifications;

(2) The approval certificate for the establishment of the foreign-invested construction enterprise;

(3) The business licence for the legal entity;

(4) The bank credential letter of the investor;

(5) Appointment letters and documentary evidence of the investor’s designated chairman and members of the board of directors, the enterprise’s financial manager, operations managers and technical managers etc.; and

(6) Balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of the investor over the past three years audited by a certified accountant or an accounting firm.

(7) Other documents required

Article 12 The total capital contribution of the Chinese party to a Sino-foreign equity construction joint venture or a Sino-foreign cooperative construction enterprise shall not be less than 25% of the registered capital.

Article 13 Qualifications of Sino-foreign equity construction joint ventures and Sino-foreign cooperative construction enterprises established prior to the issuance of these Regulations are required to be re-examined and ratified in accordance with these Regulations and Regulations on Administration of Construction Enterprise Qualifications.

Article 14 All documents required to be submitted by an applicant under these Regulations shall be in Chinese. If the original documentary evidence is in a foreign language, a Chinese translation shall be provided.

Chapter 3 Scope of Contracting

Article 15 Wholly foreign-owned construction enterprises may only undertake the following types of construction projects within the scope of their qualifications:

(1) Construction projects funded totally by foreign investments, foreign grants or foreign investments and grants;

(2) Construction projects financed by international financial organisations and awarded through international tendering process in accordance with the provisions of the loan agreement;

(3) Sino-foreign jointly constructed projects where the foreign investment is equal to or greater than 50%; Sino-foreign jointly constructed projects where the foreign investment is less than 50% but which Chinese construction enterprises cannot undertake independently due to technical difficulties subject to the approval of the construction administration departments of the people’s government of provinces, or autonomous regions or directly administered municipalities;

(4) China-invested construction projects which Chinese construction enterprises cannot undertake independently due to technical difficulties. Such projects may be jointly undertaken by Chinese and foreign construction enterprises subject to the approval of the construction administration departments of the people’s government of provinces, or autonomous regions or directly administered municipalities.

Article 16 Sino-foreign equity construction joint ventures and Sino-foreign cooperative construction enterprises shall undertake construction projects within the permitted scope of their grades of qualifications.

Chapter 4 Supervision and Administration

Article 17 The criteria of grading of qualifications of foreign-invested construction enterprises shall be in accordance with the criteria of grading of construction enterprise qualifications formulated and issued by the construction administration department of the State Council.

Article 18 Where a foreign-invested construction enterprise undertakes a construction project as the contractor, it shall itself complete the main structure of the project.

Article 19 Where a foreign-invested construction enterprise contracts for construction projects in the form of a consortium with other construction enterprises, the consortium shall contract for projects within the permitted scope of the lower qualification grade.

Article 20 Where a foreign-invested construction enterprise contracts for construction projects beyond the permitted scope of its qualifications in violation of Article 15 of these Regulations, a fine at an amount between 2% to 4% of the construction contract price shall be collected. An order to suspend its business operation and to correct the wrongdoings may also be issued and its qualification certificate may be demoted. In serious situations, the qualification certificate shall be revoked and any proceeds illegally obtained shall be confiscated.

Article 21 Where a foreign-invested construction enterprise carrying out construction business violates the Construction Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Tendering and Bidding Law of the People’s Republic of China, Regulations on Administration of Engineering Construction Quality and Regulations on Administration of Construction Enterprise Qualifications and other relevant laws, regulations and rules, it shall be penalised in accordance with relevant provisions.

Chapter 5 Supplemental Provisions

Article 22 For a foreign enterprise which has already obtained a Foreign Enterprise Qualification Certificate for Contracting for Construction Projects prior to these Regulations come into force, it may apply for a construction enterprise qualification of an appropriate grade based on its track record of project contracting within the territory of the People’s Republic of China when establishing a foreign-invested construction enterprise.

Where a foreign enterprise which has already established a foreign invested construction enterprise within the territory of the People’s Republic of China as stated in Paragraph 1 of this Article is to establish a new foreign-invested construction enterprise, the qualification grade of the new foreign-invested construction enterprise shall be determined in accordance with Regulations on Administration of Construction Enterprise Qualifications.

Article 23 Investors from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region or Taiwan shall establish construction enterprises and carry out construction businesses in other provinces, autonomous regions or directly administered municipalities in accordance with these Regulations, unless it is otherwise provided by laws, regulations or the State Council.

Article 24 The construction administration department of the State Council and the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council shall be responsible for interpretation of these Regulations in accordance with their respective functions.

Article 25 These Regulations shall come into force on 1 December 2002.

Article 26 The Tentative Measures on Administration of Foreign Enterprise Qualifications for Contracting for Construction Projects Within the Territory of China issued by the Ministry of Construction (Decree No. 32 of the Ministry of Construction) shall be repealed as of 1 October 2003.

Article 27 Provisions on Establishment of Foreign-invested Construction Enterprises (File No. 533, 1995) jointly issued by the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall be repealed as of 1 December 2002.